Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – History of the diet

Diet as part of a global medicine and health science:

Chinese medicine

Historically, the most ancient references to dieting to stay healthy come from Asia. China and India are areas where traditional medicine established life rules and, more specifically, dieting rules, which are totally inserted into their medical tradition.

Indian medicine

Chinese energetic medicine and Indian ayurvedic medicine include very strict dieting rules as a basis for health, to the extent that Chinese doctors used to advise people and only got paid when the patient was cured. Ill patients ceased to pay until recovery.

There is a certain logic to it; unfortunately, modern medicine and its science are based on studying diseases and fighting them, and there are only few references to positive health science. In medical schools students learn about diseases but not about health. We need only remember the words of the father of modern French medicine: “Health is the silence of the organs”, quite a limited definition if we take into account that certain organs, like the heart, remains silent until it suffers a heart attack, even when a long time goes by from the moment the coronary arteries begin to clog until the stroke.

Egyptian and Jewish diet

Surely Egyptians must have had their own tradition but it is not known with certainty. What is known is that they were greatly influenced by Hebrews, they have dietary recommendations in their sacred books and a very interesting tradition called “kosher” food which forbids eating pork, pre-weaning veal and fermented bread, fast.

It is somewhat more advanced than dieting in the Christian tradition, fast and Good Friday.

Greek diet

In the lay Western world, it is in Greece where we find the oldest tradition of life hygiene based on proper dieting. The greek word “diaita”, life style, the art of living, can be translated as pro-hygiene life in general. The latin word “diaeta”, diet, eating habits, refers to a therapeutic protocol.

In Plato we can already see an interest in diet, in statements such as “Let dietetics be your first medicine”, “If you fall ill, a proper diet will give you the best opportunity to heal”.

Another philosopher, Socrates, also said “May each person take a look at themselves and write down what food, drink, and exercise is good for them and how to use them to stay in perfect health.” Hippocrates, father of medicine, used to teach about the influence of food over the human body: “Each of the substances of a man’s diet acts upon his body and changes it in some way, and upon these changes his whole life depends, whether he be in health, in sickness, or convalescent”. “Eating more than is demanded by nature is, surely, exposing ourselves to several diseases”.

For the Greeks, dieting is hygiene of life and in the 5th century B.C. dietetics was already regarded as a medical philosophy.


Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – Sleep : The white-sheet therapy.

“ Every day we are unavoidably subjected to artificial electromagnetic fields that affect our body and generate insomnia, migraines and premature aging. These conditions can be prevented by something as simple as sleeping properly.

Exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields can bring about con ditions ranging from migraines and insomnia to degenerative diseases.

08:00 in the morning

The alarm clock goes off, we stretch, switch on the light and go off in the direction of the kitchen. We put on the coffee-pot, heat the milk in the microwave and while the bread is toasting we have a shower with water heated by the electric water heater and then dry our hair with the hair-dryer. This is how nearly everyone begins their day. So far, in only half or three quarters of an hour, and before even leaving the house, we have been exposed to at least seven artificial electromagnetic fields which, even though weak, alter our body and generate stress that brings about reduced efficiency in the immune system which, in the long run can cause serious chronic or degenerative diseases such as cancer, leukaemia, Alzheimer, cataracts or diabetes as they increase our oxidative stress.

Nowadays it is practically unavoidable to use a mobile phone, spend several hours in front of a computer, listen to the radio or watch TV. Progress has brought us all these technological miracles, and there are still more to come, but it has also altered our environment and our relationship with nature.

Invisi ble presence : in our bedrom

It is not my intention to alarm anybody with these words. I only want to call your attention to the invisible reality of the electromagnetic fields that affect our lives and also our sleep. Yes, they also affect the way we sleep, although sometimes we are not aware of the conditions in which we perform one of the most important tasks for our body: rest. Every night we go to sleep surrounded by electronic equipment, but even more than that, our beds do not favour repose. They even bring about a reduction in Serotonin blood levels, this being the neurotransmitter that, after being transformed to Melatonin, functions as a natural sleep inducer. Knowing this, it is hardly surprising that we suffer from stress, insomnia, migraines, fatigue, depressions, irritability or nerves, all disorders that sometimes, as they become more frequent, are then considered to be inevitable.

The solution : as simple as sleeping well .

However, there is a way to correct the daily effects of the electromagnetic fields in our body. Doctor Darío Acuña, from the University of Granada, and Doctor Germaine Escames have written a paper specifically dealing with this subject, titled “Oxidative stress under conditions of controlled rest”, with which they demonstrate that sleeping in a Biovital bed reduces a third of the oxidative stress level, which is what increases the probabilities of developing degenerative diseases. So much so that this research has been awarded the first prize for the best research in 2005 in the field of scientific research, and the best anti-aging and longevity product in the XX I National Congress of the Spanish Association for Medicine and Aesthetics. (SEME)

This paper, which has been declared to be of health interest, maintains that by sleeping in a bed made of natural products it is possible to alleviate the effects produced by electromagnetic fields in our body because, to begin with, they eliminate the metal from the springs in the mattress and the base, which act as a transmitter.

Falling asleep in harmony with nature They also use a mattress made of latex with a sheet of coconut fibre that absorbs the moisture from our body and prevents us from sleeping in a damp atmosphere, which is what happens when we use synthetic fibres that are unable to “dry” our perspiration, thus generating rheumatism and arthritis. Snoring can also be caused by the lack of oxygenation generated by the absence of perspiration, and for this reason a mattress cover of merino wool is provided, incorporating a layer of charcoal and an earth connection which is also found in the duvet.

All of this, according to the report, increases the production of Melatonin by eliminating the problem of the electromagnetic charges and therefore reduces the oxidative stress that brings about degenerative diseases. Furthermore, and at the same time, it provides a solution to problems of posture, pressure, oxygenation and moisture regulation while we are asleep. Which means that sleeping is converted into a real therapy. Sweet, and healthy, dreams.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – The therapeutic importance of physical execise:

A brisk fifteen minute walk to the shops or the office constitutes cardio-vascular activity and therefore may be regarded as part of an exercise regime

By definition, physical activity signifies any bodily movement that results in the expenditure of energy and therefore encompasses most of the actions involved in our daily lives including anything from making the bed to walking the dog.


The importance of maintaining a healthy heart should not be underestimated at any age, but especially by those of advancing years.

On the other hand, physical exercise denotes a particular activity whereby energetic movements increase the heart rate and consequently the speed at which blood is pumped around the body. Moreover, it is associated with activities which involve the concentrated expansion and contraction of various muscles in order to maintain or to change bodily shape.

However, this does not necessarily mean that physical exercise incorporates only activities that are strenuous or over-exertive. Indeed, a brisk fifteen minute walk to the shops or the office constitutes cardio-vascular activity and therefore may be regarded as part of an exercise regime.

In contrast, a sedentary lifestyle implies the complete lack of any physical exercise. Although normal daily routines invariably amount to a certain degree of activity, the absence of cardio-vascular stimulation of any kind indicates an inadequate level of fitness for what is considered necessary to good health based on scientific evidence.

Nowadays, with the ever-increasing importance of physical appearance, the external benefits of internal health are often overlooked and exercise is avoided in favour of more effortless ways to alter the physical shape. However, physical exercise serves not only as an aid to esthetical enhancement, but rather as a maintenance programme for the entire body.

The importance of maintaining a healthy heart should not be underestimated at any age, but especially by those of advancing years. Healthy cardio-vascular and pulmonary systems can prevent serious illness and prolong life expectancy and furthermore, aid recovery after surgical procedures.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Pier (pierjean pierre) Albrecht – The macrobiotic or enegy diet

It depends on the needs of each individual to search for the absolut e truth, and to stop

the search once he bel ieves he has found it.

the macrobiotic diet, created in Japan at the hand of George Oshawa, is based on the search for physical and emotional equilibrium through the harmony of diet, and for which foods are classified as being either Y in or Y ang. We shall take a look at these principles, and their advantages or disadvantages.


This diet is based on a carbohydrate intake, especially of rice, plus a quantity of vegetable proteins such as soy, pulses, vegetables and Japanese seaweed, very rich in minerals.

The majority of people who follow this diet develop a series of deficiencies that result in a very pale appearance. It is paradoxical that the “pioneers of the macrobiotic diet”, such as Michio Kushi or his wife, appear so full of health and energy – possibly because of their Oriental origins they are more familiar with this kind of diet – or maybe because they are not too strict in following their own doctrines.

As we mentioned above, the macrobiotic diet is based on the balance between the Yin and Y ang of foods and of life in general. It is a very interesting subject to study, I have done so and I followed the diet for three years, so I am in a position to say that, although if followed correctly it enables the body to eliminate toxins, I do not think it can be recommended for everyone.

In fact, followers of the macrobiotic diet develop a number of deficiencies that lead to specific ailments. And what happens is that the followers of this doctrine practice it almost as a religion and their view of life is then seen through the diet. Neither is it easy to adapt social relationships to this lifestyle and way of eating. The question is: Is a healthy way of life an end or a means? Should our existence be organized around our search for good health or do we only have to find a balance to be able to live and develop?

It depends on the needs of each individual to search for the absolute truth and to stop the search once he believes he has found it.

The reality is that the followers of Kushi have found the truth they were looking for and if this enables them to grow, then they have done the right thing.

One last detail about the macrobiotic diet: If we take blood groups into account, the people most suited to this diet are those with blood group A, provided that they eat the pulses and cereals recommended.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Intravenous chelation : therapy to combat artisclerosis and its consequences

Arteriosclerosis and its consequences is one of the most important problems of modern medicine. The diseases related to poor blood circulation obviously begin with all the cardiovascular problems, but also include aging, sexual impotency in men, problems of sight and memory. In general, as I have already pointed out on other occasions, the quality of the blood and blood flow are essential factors for our health. As the years pass by, as a result of unbalanced diets that are too rich in fats, sugars and calcium (dairy products), the arteries harden and lose their permeability, the blood does not flow with the fluidity that it had in youth and, in consequence, the body suffers from a lack of oxygen supply and nutrients, and fails to eliminate toxins, free radicals and heavy metals such as mercury and lead. So we could say “we’re as old as our arteries”. We live in an era in which degenerative diseases are increasing and appear at an ever more early age. These diseases are largely due to arteriosclerosis.

Intravenous chelation consists of a therapy that clears out certain substances that are deposited in the blood, such as heavy metals and calcium, and eliminates them through the urine.

« Intravenous chelation consists of a therapy that clears out certain substances that are deposited in the blood, such as heavy metals and calcium, and eliminates them through the urine. »

It has been used with success for the past 40 years in the United States – the first time was to cleanse the blood of painters who had painted the American warships during the Second World War and were suffering from lead poisoning – and it is also the best prevention possible against diseases like angina, heart attack, phlebitis, etc… It also has a role to play in the treatment of a certain form of sexual impotency caused by the rigidity of the artery walls and their lack of permeability.

This complex treatment forms part of the new branch of Biological Medicine with a new medical approach that takes an overall view of the individual patient.

The treatment consists of the intravenous infusion by means of a fine needle of 500 ml of a solution into which a product called EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra- Acetic Acid) + SULODEXIDE has been introduced.


The EFFECTS of intravenous chelation are :

  • It cleanses the blood of free radicals
  • It eliminates heavy metals such as mercury, lead…
  • It reduces calcium deposits in the arteries and other parts of the body, eliminating them through the urine.
  • It cleanses the blood of free radicals
  • It eliminates heavy metals such as mercury, lead…
  • It reduces calcium deposits in the arteries and other parts of the body, eliminating them through the urine.
  • It prevents the formation of blood clots,thus preventing heart attacks and strokesor other circulatory deficiencies.
  • Reduces and improves internal andexternal varicose veins, thus alleviating obstructions in the lower limbs and improving the sensation of tired legs”.
  • After a heart attack and stroke.
  • Improves circulation to the brain
  • Halts senile dementia
  • Improves the intellect, concentration power, memory, sight, the libido and reflexes.
  • Reduces the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Eliminates many of the toxins that could be the cause of chronic articular pain.
  • Reduces sexual impotency.

Currently, the anti-clotting agent SULODEXIDE is administered together with the EDTA, as it has specifications that are complementary to it :

  • Cerebral, coronary and peripheral arteriosclerosis.
  • It helps to lower the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Vascular complications in diabetes.
  • Thrombo-embolism

It is recommended to alternate this treatment with sessions of ozone therapy, making a total of 15-30 sessions, with two sessions per week. The treatment is safe and there are no risks if it is done correctly. The general condition of the patient must be evaluated and more importantly, to check that there is no condition of kidney failure because the kidneys have to work more to eliminate the calcium and metals from the blood.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

Longevity, the anti aging trend

Recently there has been much development in the so-called “Scientific Associations for Research into Antiaging”. They advocate bringing together all the knowledge and methods available for delaying the advance of old-age and death. ANTIAGING centres have arrived in Europe.

Over the past two years, Europe has formed part of a widespread and important antiaging movement that brings together various specialities, amongst which are endocrinology, preventive medicine, gynaecology, plastic surgery and aesthetic surgery. This year there have been many more medical conventions about this subject and professional organizations have been set up to guarantee the responsibility of doctors wishing to include this discipline in their practice (the Spanish Association of Antiaging Medicine).

What exactly is Antiaging?

When we say that a clinic is an antiaging centre we mean that its work is aimed at offering a series of advanced techniques of diagnosis that are able to determine the real biological age of each patient, combining these with treatment that determines the way to delay the effects of aging and to optimize the longevity and quality of life.

Through blood and urine analyses, and also samples of saliva and skin and a genetic analysis, we can work out a complete case study of the condition of a patient and at the same time obtain a potential outcome of how he is going to age, maintaining good health. At the same time, we will also find out his risk levels with regard to contracting certain illnesses and we will have some idea of his physical condition.


In recent years, medical science has become extremely interested in the field of ANTIAGING research, trying to increase life expectancy and above all to improve the quality of life itself. The aging process does not affect everyone in the same way. Why is this? you might ask. Basically, there are two different kinds of aging: faster aging (known as pathological pathological aging) and the other kind that is slower (physiological aging).

Throughout the history of humanity and medicine, we have seen how people have searched for the way to conserve their youth as a direct way of prolonging their life. With this in mind, from the Egyptians with the beautiful Nefertiti, who bathed in asses’ milk to keep her skin young, to the Alchemists who tried to find the “elixir of life and the fountain of eternal youth” sadly without success, until the present time, when technology has been able to investigate more deeply into this necessary and interesting field in which it has been possible to discover with certain precision the variables that, directly or indirectly, influence the aging process.

All of this is not directed only towards the aspect of appearance, in which you usually hear that “Youth is Beauty”, but youth is also health, and health is the best quality of life, both present and future.

There is, therefore, a medical record that, apart from showing the functional and biological aspects, also indicates the therapeutic procedures to be followed in order to correct pathological aging and to convert it into physiological aging.

We mentioned before that not everyone ages the same way: you are sure to have seen people who are 60 and look as if they are 80, but there are also people who are 80 and have the “physical and mental appearance” of a 60 year old.


So we do not only refer to the physical aspect or the appearance of people, but also to the functional condition of their organs and systems, or in other words, their HEALTH.

As we grow older, we start developing certain

changes such as:

  • Tissue hypoxia (reduction in the amount of oxygen in the body tissues)
  • Tendency towards the degenerative process of some tissues.
  • Reduction and alteration of the immune system Pathological functioning of some organs and systems.

Increase of toxins in the connective tissue (this is the tissue that binds the body together). All this does not take into account “CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASES” that are generally associated with aging, especially pathological aging.

What solutions can be offered?

Once a certain number of parameters are worked out, associated to statistical reports, it is possible to conclusively evaluate the following aspects:

  • The level of “oxidative stress” of the patient, in other words the “suffering” level of the blood cells due to the presence of free radicals. In this case it is recommended to take a series of antioxih dant vitamins together with anti-free radicals.
  • The level of allergy resistance. Depending on the results, it is possible to follow a programme of desensibilization, especially if there are cases of food allergies.
  • The phenomena of chronic skeletal or organic inflammation that appear suddenly. Thanks to a sophisticated piece of equipment that works by using groups of biological waves, it is possible to find a solution to the problem before it worsens and starts to cause irreparable damage.
  • A hormone study related to the state of activity of sexual, growth and gonadotropic hormones etc.. Depending on the case, it is possible to recommend a replacement treatment, in collaboration with an endocrinologist and a gynaecologist.
  • Special attention must be paid to alimentary deficiencies, excesses or errors, recommending a diet that is designed and adapted to each individual.
  • The requirements of each patient with regard to his physical activity must be set out following the advice of specialists in the subject.

To sum up, Antiaging is a new an integrated attitude to health, that is based more on prevention than on cure. In this case, as in all the initiatives related to aging, it very important not to dehumanize the relationship with our environment and everything that surrounds us. We are not simply machines, we should not look only for performance. We should make the most of the scope offered to us by medical science, allowing us to keep our body and soul in increasingly better health, and in that way our environment can benefit from greater human qualities.

Conserving our health is the best way to treat illness.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic

The natural diet

By Dr. Pier Albrecht

The natural diet comes from a long natural health tradition of the twentieth century. A large number of natural health gurus have promoted this way of eating. The Diamonds wrote a best-seller entitled “Young Again” explaining the key concepts of such “dietary philosophy”. I find it interesting for people who seek to find “their” own diet. It is one of the most serious diets and it enables you to keep fit through a long term weight control program.

Respecting Natural Cycles

This diet is based on respecting the natural physiological cycles of the body. I have not been able yet to find out how these cycles were discovered. There is no clear explanation of this hypothesis in the book by Diamond. I admit that it does make sense and going on this diet is not bad for your health. You can try going on this diet and observe its effects on your health and vitality.

From noon to 8 pm it is the appropriation stage (eating and digesting). It is supposed to be the only time of the day in which we should eat. Our body can take new food. The machine is ready.

The assimilation stage (absorption and use of nutrients) goes from 20 pm to 4 am. Throughout this stage, food goes through the stomach and every segment of the intestine. Food is reduced to essential elements called nutrients. This is the stage in which the digestive machine is in operation. The fibers are broken, proteins are dissolved by digestive enzymes and acid in the stomach. What we have eaten moves along the intestine, and is transformed, allowing for the use or assimilation of nutrients: amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, vitamins and minerals. The products of digestion enter the blood stream and move where needed.

The elimination stage (of food waste, toxins and organic waste) goes from 4 am to noon. At this stage we should not eat to allow our bodies to focus all efforts on eliminating waste. One of the interesting ideas of this diet is that if we do not let our body eliminate waste, it will accumulate it. If we start a new cycle before the previous one comes to an end, we prevent our bodies from performing at its best. In that sense, this diet is in line with every tradition. You should eat at fixed timetables to improve your health. I do not know whether the exact time spans of the three stages of this natural diet are true, however, I think it makes sense to at least respect a regular schedule when having our meals.

Respecting the Metabolic Balance:

Anabolism, catabolism and toxemia.

Anabolism is the building up of some elements of our body such as cells and muscles. Anabolism is the process that begins with essential elements found in the Catabolic process.

Catabolism is the breaking down of elements such as cells, fat and sugars leading to the so called toxemia, i.e., the overall human waste.

There are two types of toxemia:

• Metabolic toxemia: from 3 to 8 billion cells are eliminated and replaced everyday. These dead cells are toxic and must be eliminated.

• Food toxemia: this is wrongly assimilated and digested waste that must be eliminated as well.

Knowing this, we should remember that our body has its own pace and we should try to respect it to allow all processes to be completed.

High Water Content Food:

The natural diet recommends the intake of fruits and vegetables for their water content is similar to that of the body. The intake of this food should represent 70% of our meals. Water provides for the transport of nutrients and is vital to cleanse the body. In addition, it is organic and would be easier for our body to use and absorb because it has already been in a live organism, say, fruit or vegetables. When you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, the intake of water is not necessary. Supposedly we should not drink a lot of mineral water since our bodies cannot assimilate it that easily. Another advantage of the natural diet is that it is similar to the raw diet in that high water content food is live food. When we eat high water content food, we are drinking water indirectly. Moreover, we are assimilating organic minerals instead of accumulating inorganic minerals as we do when we drink mineral or tap water. Those inorganic minerals favor the development of atheromatous plaques, which are linked to cholesterol.

In addition to this, the findings of studies on food energy show that raw or slightly cooked food has higher energy levels than cooked food.

As regards the vegetarian vs. carnivorous diet dilemma, the natural diet claims that animals eat raw food (save for pets). Most animals have vegetarian diets and do not have overweight problems. Most carnivorous animals usually eat herbivorous animals exclusively. When they attack their prey, they begin by eating their digestive organs, such as the intestines, which are filled with predigested vegetables. After that, they eat the vital organs, drink the blood which is full of water, and finally, they eat the muscles.

There are many other sound arguments, for instance, the fact that the length of the intestines of carnivores is only three times the length of their torso. Whereas the length of the digestive system of vegetarians and herbivores is twelve times that of their torso. Such is the case of humans.

Another point to bear in mind is food cooking. In order not to destroy the nutrients of food, it is advisable to cook food at a temperature not higher than 55 degrees Celsius. The raw diet theory recommends raising the temperature to 112 degrees Celsius and dehydrating food instead of cooking it.

The last argument in favor of the natural diet is Longevity. Apparently, those cultures that have a diet similar to the natural diet, enjoy a much greater longevity than others.

For example, the Abkhazians of Russia, the Vilacabambans of Ecuador, and the Hunzukuts of Pakistan live to be 100 years old without any serious illnesses. As with any other diet, we should try it for a while to see if this diet suits our bodies and lifestyles.

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Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,

Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,

Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic